The 15th Condensed Matter Days (JMC15) of the French Physical Society (SFP) will take place this year in Bordeaux, from the 22 to the 26 August. It is the largest physics conference in France and one of the largest in Europe, which is organized every two years: the previous editions gathered 800 attendees in Montpellier (2012) and 1000 attendees in Paris (2014). The JMC15 cover all domains of condensed matter physics.

In collaboration with Dr. A. Guitton (LEM3), Prof. C. Hébert (EPFL) and Dr. M. Fivel (SIMaP), we organize the minicolloquium "Influence of micro-/nanostructures on plasticity: interplay between experiments and simulations" on the synergies between experiments and simulations to improve our understanding of the plasticity in materials. More details on the flyer below or on the pdf.

AbstractJMC15 M4